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Author: salam Subject: Fantasy

Posts: 1
Registered: 07-02-2004

posted on 07-02-2004 at 11:19 Reply With Quote Report Post to Moderator

My boyfriend and I love each other very much. We have an amazing relationship on all levels: emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and of course physically. We have always been in touch with one another's needs and desires and are open to experimentation. I recently revealed to him my secret rape fantasy. He was astounded and confined in me that he too harbored this fantasy of rape. He was more than willing to act it out and we did. It was amazing. We both were unbelievably aroused by the forcefulness, screaming, hair-pulling, and light choking. I feel a little uncertain about all this and wonder if it is normal and healthy to have and act out such fantasies. I know that real life and pretend are two different things. I know that my boyfriend would never ever consider actually raping and I am horrified and discusted by real rape. Still I am drawn back to this method of sex. Is something wrong with me? Is it ok and natural to one in a while practice such things under a controled environment with someone you love?
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